Day 15 – An Anime That Has Made You Cry


What makes anime so great in my opinion is all the emotions it can make you feel. Some anime’s really have you all up in your feelings, other anime’s may have moments that enrage, annoy you, or even make you extremely happy! But for the purpose of the challenge that I have yet to finish. I will talk about an anime that has made me cry on several occasions! This anime has been around for years, and some may think it is cliche, BUT I grew up with this anime since the Naruto days. That right I will be talking about the some of the saddest moments that have made me cry in both Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden. Ladies and gents! I am warning you now. THERE WILL BE MAJOR SPOILERS!

Day 14: 30 Day Anime & Manga Challenge… The Weirdest Anime You Have Watched

When talking about weird anime’s only one anime came to mind … I remember watching this anime on adult swim I think. It was always on as I was relaxing before bed. I remember thinking to myself what a bizarre anime! So what anime am I talking about? Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is by far the weirdest anime I have ever seen lol. This anime really was just bizarre from start to beginning in my opinion. Continue reading

Day 13: 30 Day Anime & Manga Challenge … The Weirdest Manga You Have Read

What is weird anyways? I mean what I may find weird may not be as weird to you. so what is weird to you? I have read some pretty weird manga before, but one in particular was not only weird, but enjoyable! Yuri Mekuru Hibi is an ongoing manga by Reona Mizuki. This is surely one of the silliest, yet weirdest yuri manga’s I have ever encounter .

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Day 12: 30 Day Anime & Manga Challenge …Name A Manga That You Have Re-Read Several Times

Hey guys sorry for delay! Work was really tiring yesterday … I literally had no energy or motivation to do anything. Though I fell off a day I am ready to get back on track! You know I have been thinking about this question since last night. I have a few manga’s that have really blew me away. Enough that I have re-read the series, but I don’t know which one I want to talk about! That is a problem my friend! So decided to choose three that I think might interest you guys as well! Continue reading

Radiant Vol. 1 Breakdown … A Remarkable Read!


“The world is overrun with monsters called Nemesis, and a young boy infected by them will stop at nothing to defeat them all!” – Radiant. Purchasing this manga was probably one of the best things I have ever did in a long time. Radiant by Tony Valente has recently been published by Viz Media. Currently Radiant has one volume out in english, with a total of 184 magical pages to read.  Radiant just may be the next big shōnen manga to arrive. Definitely with it anime airing this fall in October. I think we have a lot to look forward to. In this breakdown I will talk about the following, the plot, the characters, the art, and give my overall thoughts. Please be warned this breakdown may contain spoilers. I suggest reading the manga on Mangakakalot first before proceeding. Continue reading

Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka VS Puella Magi Madoka Magica … Who Did It Better?

Who did the dark theme magical girl better? Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka, or Puella Magi Madoka Magica?  What makes one more appealing than the other, and why is it more appealing. These are the question that have been running around my head for the past couple of hours.  Both magical girls manga is very well done. They both have different attributes about the manga that make them appealing, but one does dominate the other. I believe Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka does it better, and is far more appealing. (SPOILERS)

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Day 11: 30 Day Anime and Manga Challenge … Name A Anime That You Have Watch Several Times

Have you ever watched an anime that just absolutely blows you away? I mean it was so awesome you watch it more than once! This anime is one of the few anime’s that will always remain one of your top favorites, because you found it that enthralling. Me personally, I have a few of those anime’s that have a special place in my heart. One of those anime’s just so happen to be Strike Witches. Strike Witches is a mixed-media project originally created by Fumikane Shimada.  Strike Witches has a rather large franchise ranging from several light novel, manga, and anime series and various video games. However, for this blog post I will solely talk about the anime series itself! Continue reading

My Hero Academia Vigilantes?! Senpai Breakdown and Thoughts!

In this lovely breakdown I will be talking about My Hero Academia Vigilantes a spin-off series that happen years before the current My Hero Academia. If you are a fan of the current series I highly suggest picking up a copy of Vigilantes, or go to Viz Media to read Vigilantes for free! Here are the following topics I will talk about in this breakdown, the plot, key characters in volume 1, the art, and give my overall thoughts on manga itself.

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Anime & Manga News For You – Issue 1

I was thinking this might be a fun little segment to incorporate into my blog! I thought maybe doing this every week on a certain day, but realistically I have never been good at doing things on a schedule. So what I am going to do is post an issue when I feel like it is worthy to be posted. I simply think I will be able to provide better material to talk about if I don’t feel rushed. Basically, I will bring anime, and manga news to you. I will talk about upcoming anime’s, and manga’s, articles I found interesting, maybe even incorporate some interviews with other bloggers, and much more. I would certainly love to also hear the viewers feed back and ideals as well! On that note let’s get started with issue one!

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Day 10: 30 Day Anime & Manga Challenge … Favorite Anime Studio?

It didn’t take much thought when it came down to my favorite anime studio. The answer was very simple for me, for I knew what studio capture my heart with their movies, and style of animation.  Studio Ghibli is by far one of my favorite studios in the anime industry. I haven’t watch a single movie made by them that I did not like.  Their work is simply beautifully done, and so well thought out. I truly feel like they put a lot of love into what they do. Each film is unique in its own way, and they have a way with making it easy to relate to one of their films. Ghibli films are just simple magical, and touching. There are so many words that could describe Ghibli films, but that is what makes them so amazing.

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